Communities and conservation
How important communities are to conservation is not rocket science but what can we as Wildlife Vets do to help to reinforce this? As an example, chickens are a livelihood option that often makes the difference between being below the poverty line or above it. Affluent western societies often fail to grasp the importance of simple things in people’s lives in the developing world. By helping communities take care of their chickens, supporting vaccination programs against Newcastle disease and you win hearts and minds.
The Newcastle disease virus is one of the biggest killers of community chickens in Africa but very preventable through vaccination. Chickens matter, they produce eggs, can be eaten on occasion and traded to buy staple food or pay school fees. Helping to improve husbandry, improving vaccination programmes, building better housing to reduce predator losses and make the link between healthy livestock, protected areas and healthy ecosystems, all contributes to a win-win situation.